Fasting & Prayer Testimony
Submit an anonymous testimony to encourage others:
We believe God is calling our church—and you!—to grow in big ways this year! It’s time for us to leave behind what holds us back and commit to a deeper walk with Jesus. Commitment is not a one-time event, and we don’t have to understand completely before committing wholly. How might Jesus be challenging you to commit to Him in 2023?
“Immediately they left their nets behind and followed Jesus.”
Fill out the digital Commit Form so we can celebrate together and walk with you in your commitment. Commitments, whether physical or digital, are due February 19.
Text ‘Connect’ to 217.290.1200 for periodic scripture, invites to appropriate events, and spontaneous challenges related to the Connect area.
• HEAR Journal, 4x/wk
• Attend 1 elder-prayer meeting
• Attend all formation classes
• Pray for 1 person per week & follow-up
Text ‘Commune’ to 217.290.1200 for periodic scripture, invites to appropriate events, and spontaneous challenges related to the Commune area.
• Join a Group &/or COHORT
• Attend applicable conference/retreat
• Invite 4 people to join your group
Text ‘Community’ to 217.290.1200 for periodic scripture, invites to appropriate events, and spontaneous challenges related to the Community area.
• Serve at 3 Outward Compassion Events
• Attend FIRST Serve, FIRST Fit
• Give financially; 1st time, recurring, or increase %
• Complete the Money Matters e-course
Text ‘Contribut’ (without the ‘e’) to 217.290.1200 for periodic scripture, invites to appropriate events, and spontaneous challenges related to the Contribute area.
Each day of the week throughout our 21 days, we invite you to pray through the daily theme, reflection question, and core scripture.
“Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.”
How can I rest in God today? —Psalm 23
What needs and desires has God placed on my heart to commit to him? —Matthew 6:5-18
How am I being led to put myself out there and engage something new at FIRST? —Colossians 3:12-17
Who are the people God is calling you to go deeper with in the faith? —Hebrews 10:19-25
What are some areas of your life and faith where you desire to become more like Jesus? —John 15:1-17
What are the time, talents, and finances that the Lord is inviting you to invest into the Kingdom? —Romans 12
How can I prepare for worship tomorrow? —Acts 2:42-47