
Archive of sermons brought to you by the First CHristian Church teaching team

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I Am | Week 38
Transforming Faith
– March 23, 2025


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Small disciplines have the potential to yield big results. While change isn’t always easy, it isn’t impossible either…


How do you live a remarkable life when the world…



It’s all in your head. But what if that’s a good thing?…

The Gospel of Mark

There are moments in life that are more urgent than others. In those moments, how quickly we respond…

The Bible Doesn’t Say That

Maybe your Grandma said it… or maybe it was a piece good of advice that simply made you feel better...


Best ____ Ever

Often times we start off the new year with either fresh motivation or dread. Maybe you are…

Christmas Eve 2018

Candlelight Christmas Eve Service at FIRST Champaign-Urbana


The Grinch can’t stand the Whos—their cheer and their joy, So he plans to steal…


Long Story Short

Whether it’s Thanksgiving, Christmas, or just a family get together, you may have found yourself thinking…

I Heart My Community

God has a heart to see our current community be redeemed and…

Kaleidoscope Church

Broken relationships. Tension. People at odds with one another. Politically…


All In

The Christian life is more than filling a seat or dropping…


There are some mysteries in life that don’t get answered...

The Breakfast Club

"We’re all pretty bizarre, some are just better at...


Free Swim

No running! Did you wait 30 minutes after eating?...

Jesus: Seven Portraits

There are so many things we could say about Jesus­...

Don't Say $#%&X In Church

There are some words that are better left unsaid... 


Fixer Upper

We all have some areas in our lives we would like to demo...

Unwrapping Christmas

Between the gifts, tacky sweaters, and Christmas cards...

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Vision Sunday

Join us as reflect on spiritual implications of the future at FIRST...

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Stranger Things

If something were stranger than extraterrestrial beings...

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Come Together - Urbana Location Celebration

Join us for a weekend of...



A 4-week message series about God’s radical love for us…



More to come

More sermon archive content is being added weekly. To find more content not yet posted, browse our live service videos on Facebook by clicking here.