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Mid-Sized Group {How to Study the Bible}



Growing Faith is one of our core values here at FIRST. And we believe one of the most effective ways to take next steps and see growth in our faith is through reading God’s Word—the Bible. While the Bible is a big book, it doesn’t have to be intimidating to spend daily time with God. We invite you to join us for this Mid-Sized Group, How to Study the Bible. It’s a short, 3-week, group-like environment to learn foundational tools for your personal Bible study time.

* Due to current and future Covid-19 protocols, this Mid-Sized Group may occur in-person at one of our locations or via online web conference. We will notify you with updates via email when we know!

Earlier Event: January 27
Lego Challenge Night {Kids}
Later Event: February 12
Night to Shine Virtual Experience