Night to Shine

2023 Volunteer information


  • Report to your respective area between 5:00-5:15pm on February 10, 2023, unless otherwise indicated.

  • Park in the South (Staley Rd.) parking lot.

  • Enter using the main entrance (under the awning).

  • What to wear: Medical & safety teams should wear professional attire so they are easily recognizable (ex: scrubs tactile pants and t-shirt); buddy volunteers may wear semi formal/dressy attire (feel free to grab an old prom dress or suit, but you don’t have to!); all other volunteers please dress appropriately for your given role - this is a fancy event for our guests so dress nicely!

  • Can hang coats on the wall rack along the office wall.

  • Please do NOT bring in any valuables/purses; we cannot guarantee the security of personal items.

  • Go to your volunteer location and check in with your team leader.

  • You will receive your name tag lanyard; please wear this for the duration of the event.

  • As always, find help if you need it!  Do NOT be afraid to ask for help.  We have medical personnel, law enforcement, and special needs professionals available.  Look for BLUE LANYARD name tags!

  • Please remember always to put our guests first.  Do not crowd the dance floor, karaoke room, or any other area. If it begins to feel crowded, please take a step back and allow guests to enjoy the space. We want our guests to know they are the most important people in the room.


Team leaders: Kelsey Wright & Jackie Holt
Location: Red and yellow classrooms 

  • Arrive at 5:00.

  • If you are a PRE-PAIRED BUDDY, please enter with your guest -- DO NOT ARRIVE at 5:00. Walk your guest in and register with your guest. Kelsey will send all pre-paired buddy/guest the week of the event.

  • Once paired, read the buddy info card and attach to your lanyard so you don’t lose it 

  • Touch base with caregiver/parent, ask any questions/concerns you may have 

  • Be sure to ask parent/caregiver if guest will be overwhelmed by the red carpet; if yes, be sure to tell paparazzi leaders BEFORE walking the red carpet 

  • Did your guest receive a corsage or boutonniere?

  • Be sure your guest gets photo taken in front of the official Night to Shine backdrop at some point in the evening (impact room) 

  • Don’t forget about limo rides! If your guest does not want to ride, that is okay! The limo rides will be at the south entrance/office area (under the awning) 

  • Remember there’s food for you and the guest. Allow all guests to have seats before you take one. If the line is too long/there are not enough seats, find another activity and come back. Be VERY aware of food concerns, allergies, and special diets. Guests have been informed of the meal and are instructed to bring something different if needed. 

  • 6:30 - Prayer and official welcome in the auditorium 

  • 7:35 - Coronation - be sure to grab a crown/tiara for your guest when you enter the auditorium; also grab one light up wand per guest

  • Never leave your buddy during the evening, however do be aware of the level of assistance needed

  • If there are any medical issues, no matter how minor, report them! 

  • Find help if you need it! Do NOT be afraid to ask for help. We have medical personnel, law enforcement, and special needs professionals available. Look for BLUE LANYARDS! 

  • Please remember to always put our guests first. Do not crowd the dance floor, karaoke room, or any other area. If it begins to feel crowded, please take a step back and allow guests to enjoy the space. 

  • 9:00 - As the event wraps up please make sure the guest receives a goody bag (common grounds) and is reconnected with the same parent/caretaker you met at drop off.


Beauty (hair, nails, makeup)

Welcome each guest to a salon station for hair, makeup, nails! Chat with the guest while you pamper them and make them feel special.

Leader: Cinderella Younan


Location: Common Grounds

Dance Floor

Monitor the dance floor and the perimeter to make sure there are no “wallflowers”.  Invite guests to dance and engage with them.

Leaders: Sierra Ewing


Location: Auditorium

Guest Registration

Warmly greet guests and parents/caregivers and sign them in and answer any questions they may have.  Jackie Holt will connect buddies and guests.  Do whatever Michelle asks :) Arrive no later than 5:00pm.

Leader: Michelle Jacob


Location: Breezeway/directly behind the auditorium stage


Participate in activities in the karaoke room.  Encourage the guests and maintain a fun atmosphere.

Leaders: Tawn Espinoza


Location: Fellowship Hall


Uniformed professionals provide basic first aid and are available for any medical needs or emergencies. One person from medical team shall remain in the office at all times. Medical personnel and volunteers are NOT responsible for administering prescribed medications to guests.  All medications must be administered by the guest’s parent/caretaker.



Location: Church office


Maintain the parking pattern and direct traffic for easy vehicle entry and exit.  Guests and caretakers/parents need to park in the North (Curtis Rd.) parking lot. Guests will enter through the breezeway doors to check in. You may help guests/caretakers into the building, welcoming and greeting. Maintain open fire and emergency lanes.

Leader: Jeff Dickinson


Location: Gold Room (hallway along the nursery counter)

Respite Room

Serve and refill the parents/caretakers food and beverages; be a smiling face available for prayer if requested. As parents/caretakers are arriving please offer to hang coats up on the coat racks right outside the OASIS doors.



Location: OASIS

Set up/Decorate

Please arrive at your designated time (9am-noon or noon-3pm) on February 10, 2023. We will execute event set up - expect to move chairs and tables, connect with vendors to facilitate their set up, and decorate the space. LOTS OF BALLOONS!

Tear Down/Clean Up

Please arrive at your designated time (9:15pm) on February 10, 2023. We will execute event tear down and clean up - expect to move chairs and tables out, set up the correct tables and chairs, connect with vendors to facilitate their tear down, and clean up the space.

Leaders: Jackie Holt 


Location: Auditorium


Coat Check 

Greet guests, take their coats, label them, and hang them up.  As guests leave, retrieve their coats.

Leader: Nancy Tapuaiga


Location: Nursery Counter


Help with serving food and/or keeping the eating area clean.

Leader: Elaine Stone


Location: Kitchen


Assist guests in selecting and pinning on his/her corsage or boutonniere. Hand out gift bags to each guest at the end of the evening. 

Team Leaders:  Rick & Raquel Eshelman


Volunteer Location: Gold Classroom


Entertaining, chatting with, and assisting guests in/out of the limo, making them feel like royalty.  Guests will enter and exit the limo at the south building entrance under the awning.

Leader: Jake Carlisle


Location: Entryway of main entrance

Media (Photography, Video)

Leaders:  Holly Birch - Photography, Jeremiah Cox - Video

Location: Impact Room


All guests will take a walk down the red carpet!  Paparazzi take photographs (bring your camera or use your phone), cheer, and clap - treat participants like honored guests and celebrities.  Some guests will be sensitive to light and high levels of noise.  If this is the case, your leaders will warn you to hold your applause with a small sign. Please just cheer or clap very softly and smile brightly. 

Feel free to make signs to hold on the red carpet, for example, 




Anything encouraging and uplifting.  Make them glittery, shiny and fun!  The colors of Night to Shine are light blue, silver, white, and black.

Leaders:  Hannah Dusenberry


Safety & Security

Monitor the main event space and outdoor areas, making sure ALL exits are not blocked and areas remain wheelchair accessible. One person from security team shall remain in the office at all times. Night to Shine is a closed event so everyone in the building should have a name tag. Do whatever Jared instructs!

Team Leader: Jared Hurley


Location: Church office



First Christian Church
3601 S Staley Rd
Champaign, IL 61822