Special Needs Ministry


Why does FIRST have a Special Needs Ministry?

We desire all people to be welcomed and included into our time of worship.  As part of First Christian Church's Family Ministry Team, the Special Needs Ministry will work with and along side families and First volunteers to modify the children's worship to allow all children to participate in Sunday Morning Services.  It is our desire to support and help grow Godly families by allowing all family members a time and place to worship.  In the Bible, Mark 16:15 says "Go into the all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation."  Providing a place for all families to learn about Christ and grow closer to Him is our main purpose.


What is the Special Needs Ministry?

There are two parts to Special Needs Ministry at FIRST:

1.  Inclusion Buddy Program
This program allows a child to participate in Sunday worship with modifications to the lesson &/or environment while having the help of a 1:1 Buddy.  Buddies are volunteers that have a desire to work with differently-abled children to support and guide them during worship.  Volunteer Buddies receive training through the Special Needs Ministry Program as well as guidance from the family as to how best help their child to be a participant during worship & learning.  Buddies are available during the 9:15A and 10:45A worship hours and teams of Buddies are assigned on an individual basis to work with each family and their child with special needs.

2.  Sensory Classroom
This classroom is a separate space for children to come when they need a break from the Sunday Worship offered at First or a separate quiet space to worship. 

How do I get more information?
Participation in this program is open to any child with special needs and their family.  We want to get to know you and learn your child's needs before we can set-up a Buddy Team.  Please contact Elaine Stone at elaine@fcc-online.org to set up a time to meet and learn more about our program and its great group of Buddies!

(The First Christian Church Special Needs Ministry does not provide therapy, behavior modification programs, or medical intervention. To the best of our abilities, our ministry servants will strive to follow guidance from, and utilize tools provided by, parents.  Medical assistance will be provided in emergency situations.)


Want to serve in our special needs program?

Email Elaine at elaine@fcc-online.org


Got questions? 

Contact our Special Needs Coordinator, Elaine at elaine@fcc-online.org.